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Time is up: pencils down!

Many thanks to all poets who responded to our call for submissions. The window is now closed, and the submission form has been disabled.

The response has been overwhelming. We have received over 130 submissions. This is a testament to the reputation of 5 Islands Press, and a tribute to Ron Pretty and the fine editors who followed him who built that reputation. We look forward to reading the work that has been entrusted to us, and using it developing a publishing program for 2025 that is worthy of the Press's history.

Our task now is to develop a shortlist of authors from whom we will seek a full-length manuscript. This is a daunting though deeply rewarding task. Our resources are limited and we will not be able to publish everything that deserves to be published. There will inevitably be a great deal of excellent work that does not make the shortlist. Inwardly, we weep for this.

Our aspiration is to settle the shortlist in approximately six weeks. With so many submissions, this will be a real challenge. But we will do our best, and as soon as the shortlist is settled, we will contact every submitter (whether shortlisted or not) by email.

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