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Winner, "Rimas Dissolutas" Competition

Congratulations to Richard Perin, the winner of our "Rimas Dissolutas" competition. Richard's tender and affecting short poem manages the challenging task of writing to the strict rules of a pre-determined form without sounding stilted or artificial. Here is his poem.

Watch me do handstands  

A wild winter wind chills me 

through my flesh, down to the bone,

and reminds me of that day 

we went swimming at the pool 

while fluffy clouds formed above.


Hoping you’d notice and see 

my sadness; feeling alone,

my heart was longing to say 

that my acting like a fool 

was because l am in love

Richard's poem will be including in our forthcoming anthology, Oystercatcher 1

We had hoped to get to provide us with a reading of his poem, but he is travelling at present and asked our Managing Editor, Mark Tredinnick, to read it for him So here is Mark reading "Watch me do handstands".

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