Book Launch
An on-line event
Wednesday, Feb 12 8:00 pm
This in an event that you will not want to miss. In The Making of a Poem, journalist and educator Rosanna McGlone interviews eleven leading Australian poets about their craft, the state of contemporary poetry, the place of poetry in our times, and their tips for writers and readers. With each poet, Rosanna explores in detail how they bring a poem from an early rough draft to the final published version.
Contributing poets will join Rosanna for a panel discussion to celebrate the launch of this fascinating and informative book. We would love you to join us. This is a free event, but registration is essential. Just click on the button below: it takes 30 seconds to register.
If you can't make--or even if you can--why not buy the book from our online store. It's just one click away.
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Five Islands. Poetry for Everyone
Poems that give us back to our lives, to each other, and to the world.
At 5 Islands Press, we believe that poetry is not a luxury for the few, but an essential for all. Our job is to encourage and support the poets who write poems that nourish us, and to find ways of getting their poems into the hands of those who need them--which is to say, everyone.
Poetry is a life-cherishing force. And it requires a vision--a faith, to use an old-fashioned term. Yes, indeed, For poems are not words, after all, but fires for the cold, ropes let down to the lost, something as necessary as bread in the pockets of the hungry. Yes, indeed.
(Mary Oliver)